In the absence of comprehensive federal action, states and regulators are enacting legislation and issuing guidance requiring climate-related disclosures, stepping in to fill the void left by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC) delay on a climate risk disclosure rule.
Shelli Willis
Shelli leverages an in-depth understanding of real estate, finance, and corporate governance to help her clients achieve their objectives. Her clients benefit from the business-minded perspective she brings from both outside counsel and in-house experience, representing both lenders and real estate investors through the life cycle of a real estate investment.
OCC Targets Large Banks with Persistent Weaknesses
By Zayne Tweed, Shelli Willis & Seth A. Winter on
Posted in Regulatory
On May 25, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced that it has revised its manual on bank enforcement actions to specifically address banks that exhibit or fail to correct persistent weaknesses. The OCC’s focus is on the larger and more complex banks it supervises.